PTF Supporters,
There are a few things that the PTF Officers want to remind you of. We will have several baskets on display SOON for you to view and purchase for Mother's Day and/or a birthday for someone special. These will be placed on a table close to the front door for you to view and a sign up sheet to reserve your basket. We will have a certain number of baskets put together for each "special" theme. We have a PTF Meeting scheduled for 04/30/09 in the BCS cafteria at 6:30 PM. We appreciate the support you have given to Christian Education and pray that you will continue to support BCS. Last, don't forget to say you will volunteer to show your/our appreciation to our teachers and staff when you receive a telephone call soon. We want to let them know how much we appreciate them and especially trust them teaching our children. Thank you,
PTF Officers
(Angela Ramsey, PTF President)