BCS Parents/Supporters,
The following information was discussed at the last PTF meeting. I wanted to send a copy to everyone on our e-mail address list for those who were not in attendance. If you know of anyone who would be interested in the information, please forward this to them or send me their e-mail address.Next PTF Meeting: October 27th at 6:30 and November 30th- tentative date November: Hersery's chocolate candy saleJan/Feb: Magazine Sale February 26th: Italian NightMarch/April: Bluegrass nightMay: Mother's Day Baskets; $100-$200 Teacher/Staff Appreciation DayPlease make plans to attend the next scheduled PTF meetings. We appreciate your attendance and input. ***Don't forget: Attendance at the meetings will be kept to give credit to the classrooms. The class with the highest attendance will be treated to a pizza party and the 2nd place class will receive an ice cream sundae party.
Angela RamseyPTF President