From the Superintendent
Please remember that the Christmas program is scheduled for Sunday, December 13, at 2:00 in the afternoon. We hope that everyone can join us for this special occasion.
Last Friday, letters went home with middle and high school students about instrumental music lessons with Mr. Robert Simonds. If your child is interested in music lessons, please return that letter to us as soon as possible.
Please remember that next week is exam week in the high school. The last day of school will be Fri day, December 18. School will dismiss at 11:30 on that day. The first day of classes after Christmas vacation will be Tuesday, January 5.
Please remember to turn candy money in to Mrs. Donna Newby by Wednesday, December 16.
Upcoming Important Dates
Sun, 12/13...Christmas Program, 2:00
12/14-17...HS Semester Exams
12/15...ASVAB Test, Grades 10-12
Upcoming Sports Schedule
Fri, 12/11...HS BKB vs. Cascade, 6:00
Sat, 12/12...HS BKB vs. Monterey, 6:00
Mon, 12/14...HS BKB @ Community, 6:00
Mon, 12/14...7th-8th BKB @ Morrison, 6:00