Parents/BCS Supporters,
The PTF Meeting was held this past Monday night. We discussed plans for Italian Night which is scheduled for Friday, February 26th. If you were not able to attend, but want to help....there is a sign up list in Terry Stubblefield's office. PTF is still selling tobogans, scarves, and t-shirts. There is also some candy left to sell; you may contact Donna Newby to get more candy to sell. Candy that is sold from this point on will be a PROFIT to Boyd Christian School; if you can help us sell the rest of the candy, please let us know. This Thursday is the magazine kickoff, so the students will be taking home a letter and packet. Thank you for all that you do to support Christian Education and your children.
PTF Officers
Angela Ramsey, Melissa Brock, Kim Rigsby, and Kristi Judkins