Boyd’s Got Talent
Talent Show Application
Due: September 12, 2008 Entry Fee: $5.00
Late Registration Due: September 19, 2008 Entry Fee: $10.00
Please complete one application for each entry.
□ Individual Student Name:_________________________________________
□ Individual Student Name:_________________________________________
+ Accompaniment
Accompaniment Name(s): ________________________________
(include relationship to student)
□ Group Group Name:___________________________________________
Student Group Member(s):________________________________
(include student’s grade)
Non-student Group Members:______________________________
(include relationship to student)
Student Grade:_________________ Student Phone Number:__________________
Entry Fee Paid: $___________ □ Cash □ Check (Make checks payable to L.A.C.E.)
Please return to your teacher or Mrs. Terry Stubblefield in the front office.