Boyd Improvement Project Totals
Congratulations to the 4th Grade Class who won 1st place
3rd Grade won second place
10th grade won third place
Joined 17
Grandparents’ Pledge $1775
SCRIP purchases $5077
Aluminum cans 4270 (165 lbs.=$74.25)
soup labels 1061
box tops 1751
Tyson labels 10
packs of plates 65
ketchup bottles 91
ink cartridges 60
cell phones 17
movies 186
tabs 34 (# of sandwich bags full)
books 129
egg cartons 66
paper towels 144 (rolls)
penny war $232
Kroger Cards 116 (counted in $5 increments for points)
Clorox wipes 22
Expo markers 23
Measuring spoon sets 6 (for science lab)
spirit posters 21