Welcome to BCS! This is our blog where we update school happenings daily. Mrs. Tabetha Sullens, Principal posts pictures and information for parents, students, staff and guests. Please take your time and get to know us... come see what Boyd Christian School has to offer.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Rally Around the Pole 2014

In August, we honored Mr. Ed Rogers, long time supporter of BCS at our annual Rally Around the Pole day. We were thrilled to have so many in attendance and also made our annual school wide photo. *Special thanks to Mr. Gordon Mayfield for the photographs.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

And We Are Off....

...to a great start!!!
Old students welcome 36 new students this year!

Music class

First grade
(click on the pictures to enlarge. Right click to save to your family computer at home.)

second grade

Third grade

Pre-K phase in

Kindergarten phase in

Kinder phase in

Middle literature class



Leadership class


 Senior lockers get a treat to start their final year off on a special note.

Algebra I

New sod

 First grade

More music

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Proudly Wearing our Praying for Amanda Shirts!

We love you Mrs. Amanda and will pray for you without ceasing!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Washington D.C.

Our Middle School students made it safely to Washington  D.C.! They will enjoy travel the rest of the week. Please keep them in your prayers for a safe return.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cinco De Mayo

The Spanish classes enjoyed a fiesta this week.
 Cinco De Mayo was on Monday, May 5, 2014. In honor of this holiday, teacher Amy Corley organized a Spanish café. The students made their own dishes to share. All enjoyed!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Reading Circle

First grade had a reading circle when I walked through for an observation earlier today. I enjoy seeing reading circles in any grade.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Teacher Appreciation Week May 5-9

 A special thank you to Mrs. Jessica Akers for organizing our teacher appreciation week. Our theme is SUPERHEROES~
The teachers are treated to goodies all week in the main hallway. We are so grateful for our amazing teachers. They truly are our superheroes!

High School Reception

Several high school students attended our formal at the Falcon Rest on Friday, May 2. We enjoyed a wonderful meal and murder mystery show. We are so grateful for First National Bank who sponsored the Seniors tickets, pictures and favors. Memories will last a lifetime.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Cheer Camp

Cheer Camp!


Boyd Christian School  





Lipscomb University Cheerleaders


“Build Character & Pyramids”


Saturday, May 17, 2014

8:00 AM- 2:00 P.M.

BCS Gymnasium




Camp T-Shirt Provided

(Bring lunch and water)

Tennis shoes required


Email tstubblefield@fcbcs.org for an enrollment form.





Thursday, March 20, 2014

Drug Sweep & Awareness at BCS

Drug Awareness Program and Drug Search Conducted at Boyd Christian School


     Chief Deputy Danice Taylor and Captain Deke Stone of the Grundy County Sheriff’s Department recently spoke to the middle and high school students at FC Boyd Christian School about the dangers of illicit drugs. Lane Dix, BCS Bible teacher said “Chief Taylor and Captain Stone both related personal stories from their years in law enforcement to impress on the student body that a life of drug use will result in a ruined life!”  They specifically covered the risks and effects of marijuana, methamphetamine, and misuse of prescription medications.

      Chief Taylor said “I am thankful for the opportunities I have to speak with young people.  I want to help prevent as many people as possible from getting involved in drugs!”  Chief Taylor and Captain Stone also gave the students an educational brochure with some of the effects listed and helpline telephone numbers.  People who use methamphetamine may experience anxiety, confusion, insomnia, mood swings, and violent behavior. They may also show signs of psychosis, such as paranoia, visual and auditory hallucinations, and delusions (for example, the feeling of insects crawling under the skin).  They may suffer severe structural and functional changes in areas of the brain associated with emotion and memory as well.  Some of the effects of marijuana use include paranoia, hallucinations, difficulty with concentration/coordination, increased heart rate, enhanced cancer risk, and increased risk of infertility.  They also discussed the dangerous and illegal impacts of using, buying, stealing, or borrowing someone else’s prescription medications. 

     Substance use can lead to problems at school, home, work, and in relationships, causing one to feel isolated, ashamed or helpless. The first step is to recognize there is a problem.  This takes tremendous courage and strength, but recovery is within reach. If one is ready to make a change and willing to get help, he/she can overcome the addiction and build a satisfying, drug-free life. If someone is worried about himself/herself or a friend or family member’s drug use, it’s important to know that help is available. They may call the Girls and Boys National helpline that is confidential and available 24/7 at   1-800-448-3000 or call 1-800-662-HELP in the U.S. to reach a free referral helpline from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

    Principal Tabetha Sullens also had the Tennessee Highway Patrol recently conduct a random drug search on the school campus.  The state troopers had their drug detection dog to search the high school students’ vehicles and lockers for any illegal drugs.  Their search found the Boyd campus to be 100% drug free!  Boyd is grateful for the support of law enforcement, parents, BCS staff, and District Attorney, Lisa Zavogiannis’ annual BCS Drug Awareness Program in helping ensure the students stay drug free.  Principal Sullens states “I am very proud to honestly say we are clear on campus.  When you send your child to Boyd, they are safe here.  I plan to conduct unannounced, random drug searches and sweeps yearly to help ensure our safety.”

Friday, February 7, 2014

Safety on Social Media

Drew Milligan recently taught a wonderful lesson regarding Safety on Social Media in the Bible classroom. I will share his power-point, if you are interested, just email... tsullens@fcbcs.org. I think all students need to see his view and listen to his lesson. We plan to teach a course this summer regarding these issues.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Please Vote for Your Favorite Teacher!

Please nominate your BCS favorite teacher for WOWCountry’s Teacher of the Week!


Teacher of the Week

Student's, it's time to nominate your teacher for 102.5 WOW COUNTRY'S Teacher of the Week! Brought to you by the Eco Travel Plaza Dairy Queen! Each school week one lucky teacher will win an assortment of prizes along with the nominating student. Each Teacher of the Week winner will automatically be entered in our Teacher of the Year contest that will be held at the end of the school year, and you will vote to see which lucky teacher will win a Laptop Computer courtesy of Eco Travel Plaza Dairy Queen. Make sure you nominate your teacher every week and listen to 'The Morning Moo Crew' Friday mornings @ 6:50am to see if your teacher is this weeks 102.5 WOW COUNTRY Teacher of the Week!

to vote.

Did You Know?

  67% of Private school students complete college, while only 31% of public school students complete a four year college program.

Monday, February 3, 2014

National School Choice Week School Wide Snowball Fight

We had a great time throwing cotton snowballs at each other on Thursday to celebrate National School Choice week and our 100th day of school! Thank you to NSCW for the scarves and banners. All of our students were happy to stay warm inside and still play. (Pictured above, is the Pre-K class battling with the kindergarten class.) Thank you to everyone who helped clean up what seemed to be 10,000 cotton balls.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014



On Saturday Feb 15th @ 11am there will be an informational mtg at Boyd
Christian School in the Cafeteria.

-       We will be introducing the new coach

-       Reviewing plans for spring practice

-       Discussing the plans for next year's game schedule

-       Answering any questions parents or players have

We look forward to seeing all interested players and parents and are
excited to be starting our football program.

Be a part of Boyd history and come join our school as we embark on
building a fun and exciting brand of football in McMinnville!