Welcome to BCS! This is our blog where we update school happenings daily. Mrs. Tabetha Sullens, Principal posts pictures and information for parents, students, staff and guests. Please take your time and get to know us... come see what Boyd Christian School has to offer.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Merchant Card Fundraiser:

Today all students will receive a large gold envelope that contains 10 merchant cards. We would like you to take these and sell them to your neighbors, church family, or at work. They contain valuable coupons that will exceed the $10.00 purchase price. Their expiration date is 9/30/12. Return the envelope with the money back into your childs teacher by November 4th.(unsold cards must be returned or you are responsible for payment) There are extra cards in front office with Mrs. Terry that you may obtain. We have a contest between students. TOP Sales $150.00 2nd place $100.00 and 3rd place $75.00. So go get extra cards and make some extra spending money.
Please help us help our school. This is our last fundraiser for this semester that will help us to meet our half way mark of our $120,000.00 needed.

Teachers and all Staff

We are not going to leave you out of the fun! Top teacher or staff member will receive a $100.00 cash prize. Ready, Set, GO!!!!

BOX Tops and Labels for Education

Great first 9 weeks netted us almost $1300.00 in cash for our school!!! Great Job everyone.
PreK and Kindergarten are the PIZZA winners. They will be served pizza and cookies on Friday. Way to GO.
The next nine weeks has begun for Pizza party challenge for preK -8th. PLEASE BRING IN BOX TOPS AND LABELS. It is easy cash for our school. Remind your friends, family, and church family to help you collect.

High School: YOU can do better!!! Bring in those box tops and labels.

Winners for 1st nine weeks drop grade were:

Ameila Hill
Dakota Jones
Raven Dixson
Will Sullivan

PTF meeting is Thursday night at 6:30pm