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Monday, September 22, 2008

News from the Elementary

Kindergarten…Mrs. Hoover
Mrs. Hoover's Kindergarten class will learning the letter Aa for "Applefest" this week! We will be celebrating the first day of fall by making squirrels and fall trees. We will also be celebrating "Johnny Appleseed Day" on Friday. We will be making some yummy snacks to celebrate these two days! I hope everyone has a great week!

Grade 1…Mrs. Keele
We will be very busy in first grade this week. Today we celebrated the first day with autumn with some fun activities and stories. Our reading stories this week are "Look at That!" and "Can You Find It?" We will have a spelling test on Friday. We will also be celebrating Johnny Appleseed day on Friday. Everyone is excited about Applefest this Saturday. Hope to see everyone there!

Grade 2…Mrs. Newby
Applefest is this Saturday. Come eat delicious food and play some fun games for prizes. Our class will have the game lightning ball. We are excited about our Titans basket for auction. The basket includes tickets for the Nov. 2nd game against the Packers. Hope to see you Saturday.

Grade 3…Ms. Farless
The third graders are really excited about the Farm Day field trip they will be going on Tuesday, September 23rd. Also, this week they will be learning about two and three digit addition in math class. In science class, they will be beginning a new chapter about the many different animal habitats. Furthermore, we have six caterpillars that we will be watching over the next three weeks. Hopefully we will be able to watch them turn into butterflies. This should be a very exciting week!

Grade 4…Mrs. Vandagriff
We have many things planned this week. We will be having a Bible Test on Wednesday. On Friday, we will be having a Science Test and a TN History Test. Review sheets for these will be sent home in advance. Be sure and check your classroom newsletter for all the details. Our first Bake Sale on Friday was a huge success! Thanks to all who brought items for this. Congratulations to Mackinzie Pistole for winning 1st place in the Marker category at the fair. We are very proud of everyone who had entries this year! Have a wonderful week!!

Grade 5…Mr. Burks
Applefest is upon us. Thanks to the parents who have helped with our basket. Fourth and fifth grade will be selling baked goods every Friday to buy items for Christmas baskets for Raintree Manor. This week, students will take Reading and Spelling test on Wednesday and Language and Social Studies test on Friday. If you have not sent an old, large shirt for painting class, please do so by Friday.